Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wrap Up of the CLass

I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started this class at the beginning of the semester because I know that personally I am not a very tech savvy person; I know my way around my own computer and if you put directions in front of me I can usually figure it out but the thought of designing my own website for a grade was not even a thought in my mind.  I had no idea what garage band or photo booth was and if you asked me to create a podcast I would have probably looked at you like you had 2 heads.  This semester has introduced me to a whole new world of Macs (one that does not include me playing the Oregon Trail, which to tell you the truth was the only thing I could do on a Mac) I have learned about Steve Jobs and really want an iPad now but I know that there is no possible way I could afford one, but man all of those apps! I have seen the benefits of eReaders in the classroom and One-on-One laptops but I have also seen the darker side of technology.  We have watched videos of people who literally can't even live their own lives because they are too consumed with a made up world on a computer screen.  We have explored the good, the bad and the indifferent aspects of technology and I think it is very important that as a teacher I understand all of the technology that is out there for my students to be sucked into.  It is my job to weed through the social media and websites and find the good that can be used in my classroom and in life in general.

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